Sunday, December 12, 2010

...You Guessed It...

Sick again.   This time the flu was followed up with a cold.  A truly miserable cold.

Except this time I tried to use the miseries to my benefit.  Since I was locked inside, unable to do much of anything, I just hunkered down and made art.  Now, before it sounds like I've created the next great masterpiece, I want to say that what I actually created was the beginnings of art.  Such as:  Lots and lots of backgrounds.  Started on an art journal, which is really coming along amazingly.  I had no clue an art journal would be so much fun.  The journaling aspect has proven to be the hard part.  When you're feeling miserable all the words are dark and dreary.  Although, the pages really aren't dark.  The brain that controls color was in full swing.  The control center for vocabulary...not so much.  Without words I guess what I've mainly created is something akin to a coloring book.  For sick, big people.  Or maybe just ONE sick, big people.

One of the other things that I've been doing is surfing the web.  When I didn't think I could do anything artful, I figured I'd just enjoy what others have created.  Guess what I found?  Commandments.  Now, I can't remember where I located them but...there were like 7 or 8 simple instructions for being creative.  All spelled out.  The one that stuck with me though is the one that said:  Get up off your ass and put pen to paper, or paint to paper or thread to fabric.  Whatever it is that you do, do it.  Quit surfing for ideas and techniques.  Those ten minutes you were reading about others doing something, you could've been doing something creative for yourself.  And that's what made me put my misery to work for me.  I can sneeze at the art table just as well as sitting at the computer desk.  And, I wash  my hands more often when I am making art!  Now, when I'm up and feeling better I'll at least have some useful stuff to kick start my art. 

Something I've been fiddling with, for a long time, is an art doll.  Since I don't really sew, I wanted to make one out of paper, glue and paint. I got off to a quick start then fizzled out.  I picked it up again today and made some actual progress on it.  It's currently drying.  Clamps all over.  Looks spooky!  But, I know it's not destined to be spooky.  Kinda like a Harlequin/Jester thing.  All gold and black.  Got to wait and see how it evolves.  Then, if I can figure out how to get pics up I promise to share.  PCs still hate me.

Stay safe,


Lauranie said...

LOVE these commandments!! But I can never seem to get my butt up and DO SOMETHING quite a few days!! It seems much easier to point and click and look at other ppls creations!! But once I get into my sewing room, I tend to stay I guess it is definitely the "getting my butt up" part!! HA!! Thanks for visiting me! I hope you are feeling better by now...good luck with all of the giveaways...and CONGRATS on a new blessing coming to you!! :)

Jen xo said...

I dont know how i missed this post but good to hear you are making again, thats its isnt it? you just have do something and before you know it it leads onto something else....hope your feeling better now too....

Jeanie Callaghan said...

I'm like Jen - don't know h ow I missed this post! But I'm so glad to see that things are slowly coming into place. I love the idea of the doll. I've seen some fabulous art dolls and think that someday...

Pattie said...

Looking forward to seeing your work,but loved reading about it lol,get well soooon x